Since this ability is dependent on charges, there is no direct cooldown restriction. Truncheon Surge: Jyn can strike forward in a short melee attack that can be chained together as long as she has charges available. The flash will affect enemies at a medium distance, while enemies at a long distance will have their armor reduced. Enemies close to the grenade explosion will take high damage.

The effect varies based on distance from the grenade. Sonic Imploder: The Sonic Imploder is a multi-effect grenade that will damage, blind, and temporarily reduce the armor of Jyn’s enemies.

This extension will transform it into a blaster rifle with a high rate of fire, While the Blaster Pistol is very effective on distant or high-health hero targets with its high damage, the Rifle Extension should be used to quickly dispose of stormtroopers or close-range targets. Rifle configuration: The Rifle Configuration allows you to toggle a barrel extension on your A180 Blaster Pistol. Thus, she can be used in an effective sneak attack since Imperial players make the mistake of assuming she's just another rebel. One advantage Jyn has is that, unlike the vast majority of heroes, she is not immediately distinguishable from generic rebel soldiers depending on the map she's being used on. Overall, she is best used for sneak attacks or hit-and-runs, since she is fast and quite deadly at any range. Be careful however when you use the Sonic Imploder, because the enemy could have used a Bacta Bomb prior to the explosion. Her pistol deals good damage so use it against multiple enemies and use rifle configuration when taking out high health enemies such as heroes and their bodyguards.

Her truncheon surge is helpful for taking out individual enemies at close range and her Sonic Imploder can blind, decrease armour and deal damage so use it before attacking the enemy. Use her Sonic Imploder first to lower the enemy's armour and use her rifle configuration to deal massive damage to enemy heroes. She can use powerful abilities to her advantage, although her health is only moderate, making her a hero who can take few shots. Jyn is a rather fast character that is meant to infiltrate enemy fortifications by sneaking in and then taking everyone out.