In truth, the Tzimisce were as far away from humanity as any other Kindred, and their mindset only became more alien as time went on. Many Tzimisce resided in Eastern Europe, where they maintained the masquerade of being proud and noble lords.

The power of Vicissitude allowed Tzimisce to alter the flesh of those they touched, allowing them to create monsters of men, and leave victims in unending agony. The other clans were well aware of what the Tzimisce were capable of, and they kept a wide berth as a result. The Tzismice were inhuman monsters, who delighted in torturing their enemies in ways never dreamed of by the most sadistic of mortal serial killers. The devil-worshiping Baali were little more than rumors to most Kindred, and the full extent of the necromancy possessed by the Giovanni and its soul-torturing capabilities were kept a secret among the clan. There were few clans more feared in the old World of Darkness than the Tzimisce.